similarly, similar to, as, like, corresponding to, likewise, by the same token, the same is true of , in comparison,等等。
Some of the funniest pieces of literature is actually very close to being tragic, and vice versa. By the same token, try to imagine the face of a clown: One half of his face laughs and the other half cries。
Different pressures will distract people from their concentration. Employees whoare exposed to the pressure from colleagues may hardly focus on their daily work. Similarly, students who have to cope with intense peer pressure may have a hard time concentrating on their academic subjects.
while,however, whereas, in contrast, on the contrary, rather than, instead of, conversely, In sharp contrast, unlike,nevertheless, in opposition to, otherwise,等等
Taking a wide range of courses offers students more options for their leisure time. Past generations worked longer hours and their relatively short life expectancy did not afford as many people the possibility of a long retirement. In contrast, today a large number of college graduates can expect to enjoy several decades of recreational activities after they stop working. The interests that they develop through exploring various academic fields can be very helpful in making their retirement more enjoyable.
All of us have had – andwill continue to have–difficult experiences and failures. It is up to us to learn from them. One person who loses a job may become depressed, then withdraw, and finally start to blame others for his/her problems. In sharp contrast, another person who does not make excuses for failures may try to identify his/her own weaknesses, choose to go back to school or go to a refresher course, switch to another career path that is better suited to his/her potential, or relocate to a more prosperous area. Even though these two people have had the same failure, they will end up getting vastlydifferentresults.