
最新雅思考试详细解析 | 这次雅思题目并不难?

2019-11-18 16:32    阅读量:1813




旧题Section 1:10个填空题;关于公寓出租

旧题Section 2:5个单选,5个地图,关于城市里的农场 

旧题Section 3:6个单选,4个匹配;关于新西兰恐鸟知识

新题Section 4:10个填空题;关于北美辣椒



1.Section 1


场景:租房场景主题:公寓出租题型及数量:10填空题考试题目+答案:1. the rent does notinclude the cost of electricity 2. the red tap to turn off water is in a cupboard in the hall3. rubbish is collected on Thursday4. the nearest recycling centre is by the supermarket5. the door to the balcony must be kept locked6. there is a mark on the carpet7. there is no picture opposite to the TV8. a window is leaking9. name:Heatherington10. if property is to be unoccupied for more than 14 days考点:基本功可参考真题:C13Test1Section1,C13Test3Section1

2.Section 2


场景:活动主题提示:城市农场介绍题型及数量:单选5+地图匹配5考试题目+答案:11-15) Multiple Choices11. the wages of the city farm staff are paid bythe city council12. the farm suns workshops where children canlearn about the problem faced byfarmers13. which event is it most important to bookahead?little horses rides14. how many types of wild bird have been foundon the farm site?1915. which course is for adults?art classes 16-20) Map Matching

16. cafe--J17. station--E18. B19. F20. H考点:地图题方位词和单选题做题方法可参考真题:C11 Test1 Section2; C11 Test2 Section2;

3.Section 3新题/旧题:旧题场景:学术场景主题:新西兰的恐鸟知识题型及数量:4匹配+6单选考试题目+答案:21-26) Multiple choices21. one similar thing the moa is with dinosaurA both are of interest to the publicB both are extinct at the same timeC both left lot Fossils remains22. what is the difference between moa and other birds?A no wing bonesB tailC has a smaller head23. the special feature of their chicks?A never return to the nestsB most die at two mothsC can find food by themselves24. 老师对female反应如何?A trouble/doubt to thinkB may think it trueC certainly to think 25. male student attitude to lecturer in report today of 公鸟孵蛋?A he is surprisedB he is worriedC he is amused26. the reason why the moa became extinct?A climate changeB human interferenceC other animal competition

27-30) matchingA the tallest femaleB has less left fossilC the biggest eggsD it may feed at nightE more vocal soundF have poor eyesight27. the Northern island Moa—A28. the Coastal Moa—B29. the Stout-legged Moa—F30. the Eastern Moa-D考点:干扰,同义替换可参考真题:C11Test1Section3,C12Test6Section3,C13Test1Section3, C13Test2Section3

4.Section 4

新题/旧题:新题场景:胡椒主题:chili pepper题型及数量:10填空考点:同义替换,结构转换可参考真题:C11Test1Section4, C11Test4Section4考试题目+答案: 题目暂缺

场景词汇Section 1: apartment, flat, house, studio, bedsit,center, urban, rural, suburb, uptown, furniture, appliance, out of town

Section 2: farm, wage, staff, workshop, council, horse, wild, adults,café, station

Section 3: similar, dinosaur, fossil, bones, tails, nest, moth, reaction, extinct,interference, climate change, eyesight, sound, vocal

Section 4: perishable, chef, species, abstract, hotspot,vegetation, extinction, conservation, predators, aroma

定位词rent, red tap, rubbish, locked, TV, leaking, name, property, city farm, suns workshop, event, adults, café, station, similar, dinosaur, difference, feature, chicks, female, male, today, attitude, lecturer, extinct, reason, Northern island, Coastal, Stout-legged, Eastern

同义替换词collected, door, mark, opposite, unoccupied, wages, staff, paid, children, learn, problem,event, important, ahead, features, reaction, reason, tallest, biggest, vocal



1Passage 1







85 dBa




noise map









可参考真题:剑桥7——TEST4 Passage3 Effects of Noise


Passage 2






可参考真题:剑桥8——TEST3 Passage3 How Does the Biological Clock Tick?

3Passage 3






可参考真题:剑桥9——TEST4 Passage3 Young children’s sense of identity

话题词 - 人体科学类

aging 老化

artificial 人工的

organ 器官

nature 天性

nurture 后天

obesity 肥胖

diabetes 糖尿病

hormone 荷尔蒙

womb 子宫



permit/allow/let/agree to/approve许可



easy to reach/accessible容易达到的




memorise/learn/commit something to memory记忆


deteriorate/get worse/go down变坏


Task 1



范文:The bar chart indicates the five sorts of reasons why employees were onleaves and their percentages in 2000, 2005 and 2010 separately.

Overall, staff surveyed mainly asked for a leave due to physical health issues and family affairs but their percentages decreased. On the other hand, there were slight upward trends in other three causes, pressure, personal needs and incidents during this period.

The greatest proportions, sick leave, showed a 10% constant decreasefrom 45% to 35%. The same is true for the second greatest ones, personal leave out of family duty, which dropped from 27% to 18%.

As for other three given explanations , 13% of absence was to fulfillpersonal needs and it had increased apparently to 20% in 2010. Similarly, thepercentage of absence for unexpected affairs went up from 10% to 18%. Onedetail in 2010 was that those of the two justifications had surpassed that offamily responsibilities. For the sake of stress, 5% and 9% of employees required off time in 2000 and 2010 respectively.

To sum up, staffs usually fail to go to work because of physical illnesswhereas the reasons for leave had become varied with time.

Task 2

题目:You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:Although the family have a powerful influence on children 's life, the influence outside from home isa bigger part for his/her development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.机经版本:题目类型:观点同意话题:教育思路/提纲:不同意家庭教育:基础,形成生活方式、价值观、与亲人相处;学校/社会教育:知识获得、社交技能、多样化(视野开阔)观点:家庭教育更基础和影响深远,不同意范文:It is known to people from both western and eastern world that some certain features always run within each family, unlikely to alter even after people have become independent from the original family for long. Therefore, I hardly agree with the indication that the life outside from family has greater impact for people. Schooling and social experience undeniably affect peoplein various aspects. The most obvious one lies in the environment in whichschool students and social persons have more chances to acquire more knowledge and gain richer experience because of far more sources of input, from friends, teachers, bosses, colleagues, acquaintances and even strangers. People thus have to foster a variety of relationships and learn to cope with them skilfully. With extensive knowledge and harmonious relationships, a better development maybe maintained and furthered. However, the family education, or parenting to be exact, turns out to be more profound and root. In the pursuit of knowledge, one has to foster habits like being able to concentrate and to expand quality attention span at the very beginning of school years. These are required by school authorities and sadly and generally realized at home as teachers can only focus on the overall performance of the class rather than each very individual. Some may argue about private sectors and that leads to the second point, the power of money. The amount of resources that one can utilize not only decide the standard of living, which may support private tutoring for better learning habits but also may formulate his or her value towards wealth, which in the long run, intentionally or unexpectedly is passed to the offspring. As well as that, children’s value towards people, right and wrong and even goal of life is deeply affected. In conclusion, I don’t agree with the opinion that others factors influence more than family itself as the value is formed there and it can be recognized in nearly all aspects in the later part of life.




Part 2


Describe a person who often travels by plane.

You should say:

Who he or she is

Where he or she goes

Why he or she travels by plane

And how he or she feels about it.







Sample answer(解答文字版):

I’d like to talk about this guy I met at Dubai Airport, who’s a frequent flyer between different continents.

I remember it was last Easter when I just finished touring around the Emirates and I was heading back to ChengDu. I got to the airport a bit too early. So I found a bar which served excellent Full English Breakfast to kill the remaining 3 hours.

There was a guy sitting at the next table and somehow we started to talk. He’s called Rob and I learned that he originally comes from North London and now he’s based in Sydney. But he was actually taking the same flight as mine to ChengDu to visit his girlfriend andher family. So as you can imagine, there would be a lot of flying going on throughout the year. He was actually quite talkative, to say the least. I mean, he literally gave me a lecture about aviation history and flight safety. He said that the plane we were going to board is a brand new AirBus 380 from Fly Emirates, which is one of the safest aircraft in the 21st century. He chose Airbus on purpose cuz he’d been watching a documentary called Air Crash Investigation for some time and found out that the majority of the crashing planes were from Boeing. I was like, this guy is just hilarious.

Anyway, when we got on the plane, we foundthat, miraculously, we had the seats together. I remember mine was 21K and hiswas 21L or something. I mean, what are the chances of that happening, right?


frequent flyer 经常坐飞机的人(同义替换)

Full English Breakfast 英式早餐

talkative 健谈的、话多的

aviation 航空

brand new 全新的/崭新的

Fly Emirates 阿联酋航空

Air Crash Investigation 空中浩劫(空难纪录片)

miraculously 奇迹般地

What are the chances of that happening? 这个事情真的很巧合。

Part 3

1. What are the disadvantages of living near an airport?


Well, as far as I’m concerned, there are two major drawbacks. First of all, most of the airports around the world are normally located in the suburban area, which means it could be quitet roublesome especially if you have to get to the city centre every day. Another potential problem is that those Rolls-Royce engines on the plane could probablybe a nightmare for people, especially for someone who’s easily distracted orannoyed.

2. How is working at the airport different from working in other places?


Well, to be honest, I’ve never given it much thought. I guess, maybe, they would have much stricter rules, like the security check or other safety side of things. Also, it is said that in most ofthe cases, their wage is slightly above the average, but I doubt it would be considerably higher.




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